
Make 2015 Scream Your Name!

Tips for 2015 for HIV Patients

5 Tips To Help You Get 2015 Started Right (Or to get you back on your HIV #livewell track)

“2014 just flew by, didn’t it?”

For some of us, 2014 did fly by.  For others of us, 2014 was either very tough, or we lost track of the important things and nothing seems better than to just forget about that year.  Well, good news… regardless, 2015 is starting.

Here are 5 tips that will help you get the new year started right, or if you are like me–some tips on getting back to the ‘default’ of living more healthy:

1. Do not dwell on 2014 too much longer! 

If 2014 was amazing for you–awesomesauce.  So get your butt in gear planning how you can top the amazing accomplishments you added to your resume in 2015.  If it was a less than memorable year, quickly think of what you learned.  But regardless, do not spend more time than you need ‘reviewing’ what went down in 2014.

2. Decide what you want for yourself in 2015.

Have you ever started driving with someone in your car and they are not very vocal with directions?  It has happened to me several times and it is very frustrating for someone to say, ‘just keep driving.’  Why?  I need to know where we are going.  Maybe I do not need to know the exact route, but I do need to know generally where we will end.  The same goes for our lives and our health.  When we decide what we want for ourselves and where we want to go with our health, we make a decision that we know the journey we are starting.  If you are not sure– pick a few areas in your life that you want to commit to making better.  For example:  not missing your HIV meds more than once per month, slowing the drinking of alcohol as you know it is detrimental to your overall health, or deciding that getting back into your support group for those living with a health condition is important.

3. Make a plan, hero!

Sounds simple, right?  Try and make concrete steps and thresholds for hitting your goals.  When I was a kid, I wanted to read my bible every night.  And for the first couple weeks of the month, I would open my bible and start reading.  But, I had no plan.   Eventually, I found myself a bit bored. (Sorry, it’s true. And very lost.)  I even played a game in my head that if I opened it, God would just place my eyes on what He wanted me to read.  Well, in short, it failed.  So, this year, do not just make an overall goal and then leave the actual plan secret to yourself.  If you want to eat better in 2015, what does that actually mean?  Does it mean less fast food and more salads at lunch?  Does it mean, 5 days healthy, and 2 cheat days per week?  You get the idea.  But without a plan, hero, it will not work.  So make it work! Yes?

4. Accept success and failure.

Some of the items on your list you will rock.  I mean, you should tweet and tell everyone you rock at those parts of your plan and overall goals.  But there will be times that you fail.  And I mean embarrass yourself type of failure. And that is okay.  So expect both success and failure and you will be more grounded on measuring it all.   If you are failing more than succeeding, then you can decide what needs to happen.  Maybe you need a buddy or pal to help you out?

5. Commit to helping others.

Helping others should be a big part of your plan for yourself in 2015.  And it should be something achievable and meaningful to you.  If being around dogs makes you happy, then volunteer once a month on a weekend at a shelter for animals.  If you think your story being told or read online is a way you can easily help others — I have an open-door to guest blogs on my site for you anytime.  Just email me.  Or maybe you are someone that has some extra cash in your pocket and you want to help others– then make a plan to use it this year in a cool way.  (And it’s okay that people know that you are helping others.  Some try and hide it– I think it’s okay to get credit sometimes! I like being validated sometimes, too! ha!)

And while you are reading this… will you make this commitment with me? 


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